Old West Wyatt Earps Gun Tombstone Replica M1873 Long 17 inch Barrel replica gun. Used at the Shootout At OK Corral a Non-Firing Gun on 8 x 20 Inch pinewood display board, antiqued and fake bullets.A metal display signature panel for the inscriptions. This is a replica gun, NOTE: it cannot be made to fire or converted to fire . This is a hand-made unit, Please allow up to 5 days for production, sooner if we can. Legend tells us that author Ned Buntline commissioned four M1873 revolvers and presented one to Wyatt Earp. Since then the “Buntline Special" has been immortalized in print, movies and on TV. These is not a real gun!! IMPORTANT SAFETY WARNING! Blaze Orange Tips are required on ALL Replica Guns for sale on Ebay. Cannot Ship To: NJ, NYC, RI, or outside the USA